I like drawing cute/badass babes and weird creatures. if anyone is able to spare a couple bucks, it would mean the world to me.


Joined on 12/11/21

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spicyfruitart's News

Posted by spicyfruitart - 1 month ago

You guys have definitely wondered why I haven't posted here on Newgrounds for months now right? Well let me tell you is not that I don't like Newgrounds but recently I have been so much on my YouTube so I haven't not posted that much on platforms other than Twitter and patreon and Instagram since they are the main platforms use.

I hope you guys will help and support, trying to make my art career become true one day, and it would mean everything to me if we could get closer to this goal, I will be able to post art consistent across so many social media platforms once this dream become true. So that's my goal to make my art career become true.

And that's why I haven't posted on newgrounds have been focusing on growing, and making content youtube.


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Links:

✦ instagram - https://www.instagram.com/spcfruu?igs...

✦ twitter -  https://www.gstatic.com/youtube/img/watch/social_media/twitter_1x_v2.png / spcfruu  

✦ twitch -  https://www.gstatic.com/youtube/img/watch/social_media/twitch_1x.png / veventoon  

✦ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/spcfruu?utm_c...

✦ Newgrounds - https://spicyfruitart.newgrounds.com/

Posted by spicyfruitart - May 11th, 2024

Create some little just for fun cards, 😇 since I don’t have time to be on my Xp-Pen tablet that much, I decided why not just make some simple looking cards, did a little one of Cassie, it was worth it.

see the card here - https://x.com/spcfruu/status/1789419268485865513?s=46&t=ldFdVqg-KSJWLKGreW-pjw


Posted by spicyfruitart - April 23rd, 2024

I Much more active on my patreon

Posted by spicyfruitart - January 27th, 2024

28/01 is coming tomorrow and that means, is anniversary day for FAYE, but I will need to move the celebration work to next day 29/01 instead since is there I have time. But is 🪩5 years🎉 anniversary 🎉 tomorrow 🎊!!.

Here’s some old work from before I knew how Faye should actually look like.



Posted by spicyfruitart - November 18th, 2023

Just posted some new content on my pixiv fanbox, https://bluewiff.fanbox.cc/ i always like to draw, and i post all my art one pixiv fanbox because it is much more simpler than posting on patreon, i had to much trouble with patreon this year, i still post there but only safe work.

Posted by spicyfruitart - November 17th, 2023

Cannot believe I have been posting here 400 works, did not expect to post that many of my work here, I am happy for I found NEWGROUNDs and I enjoy sharing my art here simple and easy. Thank you for the kind support here on NEWGROUNDs.

Posted by spicyfruitart - November 16th, 2023

what should we do if we hit 100 i am not good at cebrating things so i dont know what to do once i hit 100 fl here on newgrounds any ideas.

Posted by spicyfruitart - November 14th, 2023

I know i have not been the most active person here on newgrounds and i keep telling myself that i should and keep telling you guys i will be more active. But then i forget, and that is my fault and i will take all the hate for it. I dont often post here on newgrounds because i always feel like is to much, to handle with twitter pixiv, youtube and twitch and Instagram. If just newgrounds was an app on appstore it would have been so much better for me to post here.

but anyways is not about that.

i would like to ask if you have some ideas on what should happen next to Faye, when she appears late on her job?iu_1113666_10136650.webp



Posted by spicyfruitart - November 14th, 2023

if you all have followed my twitter recently maybe the past few weeks kinda, you will definitely have notice that i have been talking a lot about creating, a new patreon or finding another way to post, my work. It was hard to try and find other platforms where you could post your art, and i think i have tried everything except for #pixiv so that was what i did this week. I finally created a site where i can post every work i made on https://bluewiff.fanbox.cc/ 500+ work posted there in matter of minutes and is now available for digital downloads.

When i knew i could post my art on pixiv it was just to post, my biggest launch have finally arrived on a platform up to 500+ works in one collection. And you can get it all.


Posted by spicyfruitart - September 29th, 2023

There is a strip Faye game going on my page :) @ Bwwart