I like drawing cute/badass babes and weird creatures. if anyone is able to spare a couple bucks, it would mean the world to me.


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Posted by spicyfruitart - January 11th, 2023

Just wanna remind that request is open now, submit your Oc and I will do my best to try draw them, warning ⚠️ I am not the best to make charater so don’t epxoext them to be good 😊 but yeah read the rules before submitting.

1: must be a charater based on own fantasy that’s means no Fanart is allowed is your own charater.

2: you need to give me a pose minimum 2 and maximum how many you want and I will pick one of them and draw it.

3: you will need to wait a couple of hours or days before I can finish it, if you lucky it will only take a hour that depends on how much I have to do.

4: you can Dm me here on NEWGROUNDs or twitter bluewiffwaf

5: you must be a follower here or on twitter.

cant wait to see your Oc


also count corruption? (known figures that have been turned into monsters?)

As long it is your own character you can sum it it if you have created it by yourself no matter what it is you can summit it, just remember a story telling about your character or a little description about them maximum one character you can’t summit two at the same time:)

Warning ⚠️: If you add a male character I can’t promise it will be good

But I will try my very best

i have a pc that is very similar to another character from a well known series. on the one hand I have my own version of Lucy (from elfen lied) as a warrior. and on the other hand i have a character that is very similar to shiro (from deadman wonderland)

Shiro G: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/yousee77/shiro-the-envy-demon

Lucy: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/yousee77/lucy-s-halloween-costume

Do they count too?

Both your characters looks so good i can definitely draw something good out of that, you will be em here on newgrounds ones I’m done with it :)

cool, you can choose one of the two and draw your own version of the character.
the drawings are a bit older and not up to date.
what else do you need? you are welcome to take the poses from the references.